Scheme inspection unearths brilliant gardeners in Wiltshire
A scheme inspection in Chippenham has uncovered talented gardeners working together to look after communal spaces.
Stonewater staff and contracting partners, working with customers at Hungerdown Lane, discovered the brilliant blooms while on a walkabout of the area to help highlight where some extra attention was needed.
Rachelle Everett, Customer Partner at Stonewater, said:
"It was a chance to get to hear what matters most to as a community and what we can do to help support this. I spoke to Frances, who said she wanted to thank us for what has already been done in such a short space of time. The fly-tipping has been cleared, the grounds are already looking much better and everyone is feeling much more positive about their community.
I told two customers who have been maintaining an area of communal land about our gardening competition. I hope they entered because it was beautiful.”
Just Ask, our contracting partner for grounds maintenance and cleaning at the scheme, carried out the work to help clean up the area, is following up with further work to support customers. Further scheme inspections, led by our Neighbourhood Partners, have also been arranged to support customers at the scheme moving forward.
Several customers at the scheme have also expressed an interest in becoming a Community Champion, a team of dedicated customers who act as our eyes and ears in our neighbourhoods across the country.
You can find out more about the work of our Community Champions, including how to become one, by visiting our website.