Jonathan Layzell
Chief Officer for Customer Experience and Growth
Hello and welcome to our Customer Annual Review for 2023-24
It’s been a really tough ride over the last few years, and even though times are hard, I’ve been really impressed by the spirit and positivity that our customers and communities have been showing us. Throughout this review, you’ll be able to see some of the people behind those ideas and projects that are helping us to make a real difference to the lives of thousands.
This review is all about celebrating that attitude, as well as giving you a chance to see the work we do to support you, and how our services are performing.
In 2023-24, we’ve directly engaged with more than 1,500 customers at events, through surveys, through our online community and more, using all that feedback to make genuine change to what we do, and for that I’d like to say a big thank you.
Our customer engagement groups, such as our Scrutiny Panel, our Community Champions and others, are a real driving force for change, and we’re extremely grateful for their support over the last year.
We’ve also collected more than 26,000 surveys from customers after they’ve received a service from us, which is a huge help for us in improving our customer experiences.
We’ve been listening to what you’re telling us, especially about crucial services such as customer services, repairs, grounds maintenance and cleaning, and we’re using your feedback to make real changes to improve these, which you’ll see later on in this review.
We’ve also grown, in February 2024 welcoming Mount Green into the Stonewater family who manage 1,650 homes predominantly in the Surrey area. We’re excited to continue learning from each other, playing to our strengths to improve services for all customers.
Given the challenges we’re all facing, I’m really proud of what we’ve achieved in the last year for our customers, and I hope you enjoy learning more about some of the stories that have come out of it.
I’m new to this role, while Sue Shirt, Chief Customer Officer, takes some time away from Stonewater to focus on her health. I’m really looking forward to working more closely to service delivery, talking to customers and helping ensure our services are continually getting better, supporting people to thrive in their homes and communities.